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Does Medicare cover Dental and Vision?

By August 6, 2020 October 6th, 2020 No Comments

A frequent question we get asked here at Medicare Coach is if Medicare covers Dental and Vision and how to get that coverage specifically.

This is a great question. Most of us who are on employer plans have extra coverage for dental and vision.

It’s important to understand that Medicare isn’t like employer insurance, and if you’re not sure how it works going into it, it can lead to some issues later on.

In this blog post, I want to get clear on what Medicare does, or more importantly, does not cover when it comes to both dental and vision.

Dental Coverage
Essentially, Medicare pays nothing when it comes to dental coverage. However, there are a few situations where Medicare will deem specific dental procedures as medically necessary but rarely happens.

When it comes to dental coverage and Medicare, you should consider getting a separate dental plan or a Medicare Advantage plan that will include specific dental exams or cleanings or things like that.

That means that dental is completely separate from Medicare, although it can be packaged into some Medicare Advantage plans.

Vision Coverage
Medicare covers medically necessary vision services such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, etc.

Because Medicare covers these more costly vision expenses, I typically don’t worry about vision coverage.

With that said, Medicare will not pay for your annual eye exam, contacts, or glasses, but it does cover the costly vision services.

With this said, you don’t want to choose a plan solely because it can cover dental and vision. You want to make sure the plan is right for you and your unique situation.

Medicare can be complicated, and that’s why at The Medicare Coach, we want to help you make your right Medicare decision.

To easily make your right Medicare decision, you can sign up for our Medicare Enrollment Concierge service by CLICKING HERE.