General InformationMedicare AdvantageOriginal Medicare

How to avoid the top 3 Medicare mistakes

During my time with the Medicare Coach, I have helped thousands of people make their right Medicare decision. From those who are joining Medicare to those who are hoping to fix a Medicare mistake they’ve made.

Unfortunately, with how Medicare works, we’re not always able to undo mistakes made before they found the Medicare Coach.

In this blog post, I want to share with you the top three mistakes I’ve seen over the years and how you can avoid them.

Mistake #1: Not knowing whether or not you need to join Medicare once you turn 65.

To avoid penalties by the time you turn 65, you must be on Medicare or on an employer health insurance plan that meets Medicare rules. This means that you may not need to join Medicare at 65.

However, you will need to double-check that you meet the Medicare rules before you finalize any assumptions or finalize any of your decisions.

Mistake #2: Not understanding the difference between the two Medicare programs.

The two Medicare programs are Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage.

One of the main reasons that people regret their Medicare decision is that they didn’t understand these differences between the programs.

Here’s a tip, if you want to be able to continue to see your doctors once you’re on Medicare, you must ask your doctor what type of Medicare they accept.

Do they accept Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage? If they accept one over the other, one program might be a better choice for your situation.

Additionally, the advertising for these two programs can be very deceiving, so please be aware of the differences between the two.

Mistake #3: Not knowing that Medicare has strict insurability rules.

Most people are surprised to know that Medicare has strict insurability rules, so you must pick the right plan when you first join Medicare because you may not have a second chance.

I recommend that you assume that the plan that you pick when you first join Medicare is a plan that you will have for the rest of your life.

Bonus Tip: Supplement Plan F

Don’t be worried that you can no longer join supplement plan F. This plan has been an excellent plan for many years, but it’s not great anymore. So, it’s a good thing for you that this plan is no longer offered.

There are other great options out there to be aware of that can fit you best for your health conditions, for your finances, for your risk tolerance, for things like that.

Medicare is complicated, and too many people make the wrong Medicare decision, which is jeopardizing your healthcare and your savings. This is why people turn to the Medicare Coach.

If you want help with your Medicare decision and the steps to take to make your right Medicare decision, you can CLICK HERE to sign up for our Medicare Enrollment Concierge.