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How to avoid this BIG Medicare mistake

By June 2, 2022 July 6th, 2022 No Comments
I love working with so many couples and hearing their situation and goals for their next phase of life. I’m inspired by my clients and their stories, especially as a newlywed.
They all have their unique plans, from exotic vacations to RVing across the US, to spending time with family and their hobbies.
I love hearing their aspirations, as most hope to have healthy active lives.
When it comes to their Medicare decision, my clients are most surprised that they should be on different Medicare plans.
Unlike employer plans that require couples to be covered under the same plan, Medicare is individualized.
Therefore, if you have different medications, doctors, or health conditions, you will likely have different Medicare plans.
One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is assuming that your spouse’s or friends’ Medicare plan is best for you. 
That is not usually the case.
People usually don’t realize that they made the mistake of joining the wrong plan until it’s too late. They begin to have health issues, and due to Medicare insurability rules, they cannot change plans and are stuck.
If you follow my 5-step process to Medicare, you can be confident you are making the right Medicare decision that will give you access to the healthcare you want while protecting your retirement savings.