DentalMedicare CoverageVision

Will Medicare cover Dental and Vision?

Are you wondering how you’re going to have your dental or vision covered once you’re on Medicare?

This is one of the most common questions I get, and it’s a good one. So here is the deal, if you assume one way or the other, you could have some really big bills once you join Medicare.

First things first, I want you to know that Medicare doesn’t really cover any dental coverage. Meaning, they won’t cover your cleanings, x-rays, fillings, or things of that nature.

The good news is, there are some other options to get dental coverage with companies like Delta Dental, Aflac, or other insurance companies. You would just want to research what is the most affordable option for you.

Now, with vision, Medicare does cover “medically necessary” vision expenses.

So things like cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and big expensive things are deemed “medically necessary.”

Therefore, Medicare will cover them as long as you get treatment for those, you know, “medically necessary” vision services from a doctor who accepts Medicare.

Now, what Medicare doesn’t cover would be your annual eye exam. It also doesn’t cover eyeglasses or contact lenses, but Medicare does cover the expensive vision coverage. Typically, that can be enough vision coverage for most people.

In my opinion, the big hole is around dental.

I want you to be wary as certain Medicare plans, especially around Medicare Advantage, can include extra dental or vision benefits. I DO NOT recommend that you make a Medicare decision based simply on dental or vision coverage.

Make sure the plan you choose fits all of your needs, like seeing the doctors you want to see and that you’re covered in the event you get sick.

To easily make the right Medicare decision you can CLICK HERE to sign up for our Medicare Enrollment Concierge.